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Cyber School

After a tough first 6 weeks of school, we decided to pull Megan out of the public schools and school her at home using Agora Cyber Charter School. They had spent 6 weeks doing assessments and reviewing things they should have known before even coming to kindergarten. She was very frustrated, very bored, and we didn’t get a lot of assurance that things would be changing anytime soon. Both of us had spent time in that boat, and knowing that we had the ability to do something more for her, we decided to give it a try.

Agora uses the K12 curriculum. It is offered through several Cyber Charter Schools throughout the country, and they also sell the curriculum directly to home-schoolers. About a week after we enrolled her, we received a computer to use for her schoolwork. Then the boxes of curriculum arrived. Three large boxes full of materials for her to do first grade at home. Each subject was packed in its own box – some even had two boxes! Math, Science, History, Language Arts, Phonics, Music and Art are all in there.

Once it all arrived, her enthusiasm was through the roof. She was so excited to dig into those boxes of books and other fun stuff. This is what school should be about – enthusiasm for learning…rather than “learn to sit and wait patiently if the material isn’t challenging enough for you”. We can’t wait to get started! I get the feeling we are preparing to embark on quite the exciting adventure.

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