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Look Ma, no Training Wheels!

Two summers ago, Scott took the training wheels of Megan’s bike at her request, and she did great. But then there was a school event that required her to ride around the school playground. For that, he put them back on, because her control wasn’t quite that good yet. Then last summer, she refused to ride without them. But we knew she could do it…just didn’t want to.
So this spring, Scott put a kick stand on her bike, and took off the training wheels. They spend a few afternoons over at the school parking lot practicing. He said the first few days were a bit rough, but she was determined and stuck with it. Here’s the result!

In other cycling news, Molly has also finally figured out how to pedal around on her trike. Thank goodness! I was getting tired of bending over and pushing her around on it!

Both of the girls are so proud of themselves, riding their bikes. We’re both really proud of them, too!

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