I’ve had a crazy 24+ hours and need to talk. I woke up yesterday morning to the room spinning. I couldn’t even sit up straight I felt so dizzy. Scott had to walk me to the bathroom and I sat down several times on the way there because of how dizzy I felt. After I finally made it there, I went to lay down some more. *TMI warning* The movement and dizziness had made me really nauseous and I got sick. Several times. Of course I’d just gotten up and hadn’t eaten yet, so my stomach was empty except for the few sips of water I’d drank. After that came up, it was lots of dry heaves & stomach bile. Ugh. Scott kept asking if he should call an ambulance or take me to the hopsital. Eventually, we decided to get megan to scool and then take me to the ER. I didn’t want the girls to see me hauled off in an ambulance…
The trip down the stairs was awful. I sat down several times and eventually ended up scooting down one step at a time on my bottom. Even t hat was really hard. After that Scott rolled my desk chair from the stairs to the door with me in it and got me loaded into the car. With a bowl just in case I got sick again. Good thing, because I did. After what seemed like forever, we got to the ER. They put me into a wheelchair and pushed me inside. After I told them my symptoms, and they took us to a room right away. I spent the entire morning there, with an IV for medications to try to stop the dizziness. They drew blood and did a cat scan. Around noon, the doctor came in and told me that all the tests came back normal – everything looked perfect. So the only other possibility was an inner ear imbalance, basically vertigo. I could be admited and keep the IV for drugs or I could come home. I chose the latter, already having had enough of the hospital! So she gave me some anti-dizziness drugs (Antivert & Valium) with orders to see my doctor in 2-3 days.
So for now, I’m at home, dizzy. I feel ok as long as I don’t move suddenly and keep my head very still. Right now, I’m sitting in a lounge chair with my head rested back. As long as I don’t turn it, I’m ok. But even if I turn my eyes too quickly, I get dizzy. The nausea seems to have subsided (thank goodness) and I’ve eaten a little. The drugs are making me really sleepy and I’m napping a lot. Scott has been wonderful through all of this, and he’s still hurting from his surgery on Friday. He kept it together yesterday when I was having a meltdown when I first got up and couldn’t even walk.
I hope you are feeling better!