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Apple Picking 2008

Every year on the weekend of my birthday, for the past 4 years, we have gone apple picking. Since moving here, Paulus Orchards has been our orchard of choice. Anyway, with the rainy weekend forecast, I was really bummed that we weren’t going to be able to go. When the scattered showers forecast for today […]

Hippos for Molly

I finished up a dress for Molly yesterday during their naps – long, due to the rainy day fun 🙂 She was pleased to model it for me when she woke up. I’ll make a bright pink pair of leggings to wear underneath for when it’s cooler. She really liked it.

And a closeup […]

Rainy Day Fun

It rained a good part of the day yesterday and the kids were full of pent-up energy (donuts for breakfast anyone?) so I bundled them into play clothes, raincoats and boots, and took them outside for some puddle jumping. They had an absolute blast.

Before they were too wet:

And just getting started. […]

Scott's revelation

2:03 PM Scott: holy crap. I just realized something. me: what? 2:04 PM Scott: one of these days the kids will start saying that we’re older than the internet. me: lol […]

My daughter can read!

Megan brought home her first WEB (can’t remember what that stands for!) book yesterday. It was about kites. She sat down on the couch with Scott and read it straight through, only getting stuck briefly on the word animal. Then she read it to me again in the evening, and even read most of the […]