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Megan started Kindergarten!

So I know I’ve been a slacker about keeping up the blog, but sorry…we’ve been busy! I’ll be back soon (sometime after I finish the mountain of forms homework that we received in Megan’s backpack today) with some pictures of the fun we had in July & August but for now wanted to share Megan’s first day of Kindergarten.

She’s been looking forward to this for the entire summer. The past week, we’ve had to talk every day about how many days are left till the big day. Two Fridays ago, we went shopping for a first day dress and a backpack. Last week, she and I visited her classroom one day and one evening, Scott went to the back to school night to meet her teacher and learn the details of what we’d need to know before she started school.

Megan was so excited that she had a hard time going to sleep last night. This morning, she was up bright and early (defined as “before 7 am” in our house) and she wanted to get dressed before I was even into the shower. We got out the door right around 8:15 and made it to school a few minutes before 8:30, just in time to get her into the line and send her into the school with her new classmates. She was a little nervous, but there was another girl who was also a bit nervous, so they stuck together and did great on the way in! No tears for anyone 🙂

Here she is all ready to head out…notice the water dribbles down her front.

Talking backpacks with one of her classmates in line.

And they’re off!

Scott said she talked his ear off the whole way home. It sounds like she had a great day. They had gym class today and played a game called Pirate Ship. They did some artwork and she was proud to have written her name on it. No playground time today, but hopefully they’ll get to do that soon! She says she made some new friends and can’t wait to go back tomorrow. Several times this evening, she reminded me how happy she is to be a Kindergartener and how she can’t wait for tomorrow!

2 comments to Megan started Kindergarten!

  • Jodi

    Congratulations Megan!! You look so cute. I’m happy you had a great day at school.No tears Mom? Wow, how did you do it? 🙂

  • Traci

    She looks adorable! Congrats for making it through the first day. I hope she continues to do so well.

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