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We spent the night at my parents’ house in Mercersburg and my dad planned a bonfire for that evening. I think that the girls were excited at the prospect of staying up late eating marshmallows! Here they are all set up on the blanket, waiting for the fire to be lit. Note that we had to move back once my dad lit it up, because it was BIG!

Here it is after it burned down a bit. Or maybe before it got really huge.

I loved the glow from the fire – it made everyone’s face have a nice red warmth to it.

After tucking the girls into bed, I went back out and sat with my parents to visit for a bit. While we were sitting there, a fox snuck out of the corn field into the garden to snack on some blackberries. We didn’t see him at first, we heard him in there and hoped he wasn’t a skunk! My dad shined the light into the garden to see what it was and there he sat, just looking into the light with that “deer in the headlights” look. He was so cute and didn’t seem afraid at all. After my dad turned the light off and back on again, he decided to take off. We were all really surprised to see him so up close & personal. Too bad my camera batteries had already died at that point 🙁
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