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Lettuce edged skirt for Molly

Last night, I was working on a little skirt for Molly from some knit I found at JoAnn’s a while back. When I realized it was going to be too short for her I decided to see if I could do a lettuce edge on a regular sewing machine rather than a folded hem. I found this tip in a Google search and it worked really well on a scrap of the fabric so I decided to go for it!

It took a while to finish up the hem, two times around, but I’m happy with how it came out for my first try. I think I’ll be reserving this technique for sleeves & leggings hems from now on! The skirt is still really short, but I think it will work for a bit. I used Kwik Sew 3501 and thought it was really easy to put together. I’ll definitely be making more of them in a bigger size.

Here’s an action shot from this morning – she loves it. Sorry it’s blurry – I couldn’t get her to stand still! I think the length will work for the summer and I’ll make some pink leggings for the fall when it’s too short.

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