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Fun Long Weekend!

We had such a fun weekend. Having three days off was great, and I wish we could do it more often. Saturday, we just kind of hung out together around the house. While the girls napped, I went to Joann’s and picked up a few things at the Memorial Day sale. I picked up a really cute planter for $7 too. When I got it home, I stuck some herbs in it and will bring it inside to keep fresh basil in my kitchen year round 🙂

Sunday morning, Scott got up and went on an early ride with the Harrisburg Bicycle Club. When he got home, we went for a picnic at Gifford Pinchot State Park. Nothing fancy, just bologna sandwiches & PBJ. The girls had a blast just going there to eat and then check out the playground very briefly. It was really busy plus Molly was tired and ready for a nap. Here’s a picture of Megan trying out the seesaw.

When we got home and while the girls were napping, I did some sewing and finished up a dress for Megan (watch for photos!) while Scott took another bike ride.

We didn’t feel up to cooking, so we had leftovers for dinner. The girls dined on the patio and had leftover pancakes & sausage from breakfast the day before. They loved it!

Monday, we just lounged again. I did some more sewing and finished up a pair of PJ shorts for Megan. Scott did some more bike riding. We hung out with the girls. It was just such a fun relaxing weekend, it makes me wish I had long weekends more often! To top it all off, the weather was great – in the 70’s & 80’s every day, but not too humid (well, not till Monday when the thunderstorms started to roll in).

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