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Happy Mother's Day to Me!

Scott was quite good to me this year for Mother’s Day! He got me a new lens for my camera – a 50mm F1.4. All of today’s photos were taken with it and I can see this one quickly becoming my favorite. It is so clear an sharp, even to look through the camera with it on. I took the photo above with no flash, and the aperture set to 1.4 – I love how the center of the markers is in focus and everything else is blurry. Very cool!

Megan in jammies after eating donuts for breakfast. Again, no flash, and just window light, I think. It just looks so clear and crisp compared to no-flash photos with my other lens!

It does well outside too. Before lunch, we went to the park to burn off the sugar high from the donuts. It was overcast and chilly, and the jungle gym is in the shade. Molly played on the “little playground” while Megan played on the big one. Molly loved sliding and sliding and sliding. On the “big playground” Megan met a boy who will be starting Kindergarten with her in the fall. Maybe they’ll be in the same class – they seemed to get along pretty well!
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