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Mama's got a brand new bag!

Ok, so it’s a dorky title. But I’m just so darn proud of myself. I had to show off my latest creation. I made this bag all by myself! I found an awesome tutorial online and ended up with this great bag. I wasn’t sure how well it would go on my first attempt, so I found some fabrics in the remnant bin at Joann’s for around $5 and went to work. I am so happy with it that I can see myself making several more!

See…lots of pockets inside too. One is big and one is split, so my phone & keys can go in there without getting lost. Next, I need to find directions for a cell phone holder and make one to match each bag 🙂

P.S. In real life, the colors match more closely than they appear to in the pictures. They both have the same creamy white background – I promise!

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