I was off work today and wanted to do something special with Megan. For a while, I’d been considering breaking out the pasta maker and decided this morning that today would be the day. So I dug out the recipe and told Megan about the plan. She was very eager to learn how we would make our very own pasta. She could barely contain herself through lunch and getting Molly down for a nap.
So, first we mixed up the dough – starting with a pile of flour and adding eggs one at a time. And some water to get it to the right texture. Then let it rest while we set up the machine.
Megan was so enthralled to watch how cranking the handle fed the dough through the machine and flattened it out. And even more excited when we switched to the cutters! She helped collect up all the strands of spaghetti and hang them up to dry.
After a few sheets of pasta were fed through the machine and cut up, she decided she’d rather watch something on TV. Something about only being 4 and not having the attention span to make pasta for 2 hours! Scott even got in on the fun of rolling out the pasta dough after Megan lost interest 🙂
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