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Megan is 5 today!

We had a great day together today. She woke up early-ish and came in to ask me if she was 5 yet. I said of course, gave her a big hug and told her “Happy birthday”. It was cold so I asked if she wanted to snuggle for a few minutes – she crawled right […]

Megan's 5th Birthday Party

We had Megan’s party today at the Young Chef’s Academy. She invited some friends from her class at school. They kids learned about making pizzas – they helped measure and mix up some dough, then made their pizzas.

While they baked, we sang “Happy Birthday” and she blew out her candles. Megan opened her […]

Sweet Sisters

The girls held hands like this almost the entire way around the block. No squealing, pinching, fighting, or pushing. Just holding hands and walking. Why can’t they get along this well every day?

Making Pasta

I was off work today and wanted to do something special with Megan. For a while, I’d been considering breaking out the pasta maker and decided this morning that today would be the day. So I dug out the recipe and told Megan about the plan. She was very eager to learn how we […]

Happy Valentine's Day

Here is a photo of the girls from this morning. I gave the girls each one of these flowers & Scott picked them up some Reese’s peanut butter hearts. They were in heaven 🙂 Megan was all excited to pass out her Valentines at school and Molly was just happy to be wearing her […]