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Scott's Balaclava

Scott has been complaining that his face gets really cold on his nightly bike rides since it’s been sub-freezing and all. If you wonder why he’s riding his bike every night, in cold weather, see his New Year’s Resolutions! He’s been asking for a Balaclava for a while, and I’d never seen one in a store to buy. Since I ‘ve been on this sewing kick lately, I thought “How hard can it be?” I tracked down this pattern from The Green Pepper, gathered the supplies and got to work. It wasn’t too hard – the worst part was applying the binding around the face cutout. It called for a fabric with 4-way stretch and it was just a little challenging to work with. All in all, I think it tcame out well. The pattern also came with the pieces for a children’s balaclava and neckwarmers – I may consider making the girls some out of some pink fleece I picked up from the remant bin.

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