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Doll Clothes

So, after the wild success of the pillowcase, I decided to venture to Jo-Ann’s for some supplies and see what good stuff I could find in the remant bins. While there, I was sucked in by the $5 for $5 sale on patterns. I figured doll clothes would be a good way to learn how to do stuff like that without needing so much fabric, so I picked up a few patterns. I made these outfits for the girls’ dolls in fabrics of their choice (Molly’s on the left & Megan’s on the right). They’re not perfect – I sewed the lace on the wrong side of the pants on Molly’s outfit and the velcro in Megan’s doll sleeper was supposed to be a zipper but I couldn’t find one in the right size. I’m still learning, but still having fun.

I picked up some patterns for Barbie clothes, too. I tried one and there won’t be any photos of it. Barbie clothes are HARD. Since I can’t resist a good sale, I also picked up some simple looking summery dress patterns for the girls. I guess the next step is to commit to some fabric or something like that. I’m looking forward to trying them out!

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