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Scott's Balaclava

Scott has been complaining that his face gets really cold on his nightly bike rides since it’s been sub-freezing and all. If you wonder why he’s riding his bike every night, in cold weather, see his New Year’s Resolutions! He’s been asking for a Balaclava for a while, and I’d never seen one in […]

We are Non-fiction

The girls were taking a bath together the other night and were playing with the toys. Megan was holding a Dora doll. The conversation went something like this:

Megan: “Mommy, Dora is…what’s that word for not real?” Me: “Pretend?” Megan: “No, no.” Me: “Imaginary?” Megan: “NO. Fiction. Dora is fiction and Molly and I are. […]

Doll Clothes

So, after the wild success of the pillowcase, I decided to venture to Jo-Ann’s for some supplies and see what good stuff I could find in the remant bins. While there, I was sucked in by the $5 for $5 sale on patterns. I figured doll clothes would be a good way to learn […]

My First Project!

I got a sewing machine for Christmas and wanted to start out with something fairly easy as my first project. A friend pointed me towards these fairly easy directions for making a pillowcase and so I headed to the fabric shop & picked out some Valentines day fabric. Megan was thrilled with her pillowcase […]