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Megan's Tree

This morning, dropping Megan off at school, she made me laugh. I was chatting with Mrs. Reese, complimenting her on the Christmas Program the night before. While Megan tried to decide where she wanted to play. Mrs. Reese told Megan that they were getting ready to watch a movie “Oh Christmas Tree”.

Megan piped in with “We have a Christmas Tree at home”.

Mrs. Reese: Oh, I must have the saddest home on the block. We don’t have one yet.

Megan: Ours didn’t come out of a box. It came from the Christmas Tree Farm.

Mrs. Reese: Oh, that’s the best kind.

Megan: My Daddy cut it down. **Lots of pride in her voice**

I guess she thought that most other people got their trees out of boxes. Megan decided against the Christmas Tree movie – she opted for playing with the castle instead. Apparently she figured it was about a tree out of a box and just wasn’t interested.

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