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Megan's School Christmas Program

Megan’s school Christmas program was tonight – it’s been a busy week! She picked out a special dress to wear and we curled her hair with the curling iron. She looked so pretty. I think she was getting nervous, because at the last minute she didn’t want to go. But we went, and she was good. She was yawning & because it was so late. The first song the kids started to sing, I almost laughed out loud. Apparently the teachers told them to sing loudly so their parents could hear them, because they were *this* close to shouting. It was very loud. And off key. But they were cute and sweet. So Megan’s stage debut went off without a hitch and I was so proud of her. We’re supposed to be able to get a DVD of the performance. Watch for film clips when we get it… Posted by Picasa

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