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Molly is 2!

Time really flies when you’re having fun. I can’t believe that Molly is 2 already! Seriously, it seems like just last week that I was pacing around the house, anxious and waiting to go into labor a week after my due date. But really, it was 2 years ago. Wow.

Molly is so sweet right now – not “terrible” by any stretch. She’s chattering up a storm and stringing words together into sentences. “I do it” is her absolute favorite phrase, and applies to nearly everything. She can jump like nobody’s business – and does, several times a day! She is brave, adventurous, and has no fear. She loves giving hugs and kisses.

She loves her big sister. “Mogen” she yells whenever she see Megan coming down from her nap. She has to give her a goodnight hug & kiss every night before bed. And several hugs per day. I so love seeing them love each other sometimes instead of fighting with each other.

And she just brightens every single day. When she wakes up in the morning, she yells “Mommy Daddy Mommy Daddy” so that we’ll come get her. She is so excited to see me, every day, when I come home from work. “Mommy’s home!” she yells as she comes running. I just love being greeted by someone who is so happy to see me.

I don’t know where my baby went, but I am so in love with this toddler I have found in her place.

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