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Molly is 2!

Time really flies when you’re having fun. I can’t believe that Molly is 2 already! Seriously, it seems like just last week that I was pacing around the house, anxious and waiting to go into labor a week after my due date. But really, it was 2 years ago. Wow.

Molly is so sweet […]


That’s what my kids are, I swear. I took them outside after dinner tonight to play in the backyard a bit, and they were both climbing all over the swing set. Apparently, they had some steam to burn off. Megan loves to slide headfirst down the slide and hang upside down and Molly wants […]

Fun with light

Megan was having a blast running around the backyard throwing this ball all around, and I really wanted to get a photo of her. The problem was that it was getting dark and I couldn’t get a good sharp picture. So I decided to play with a longer exposure, and this is what we ended […]

My Pink Ducky

I don’t remember where I came across it today, but I love this take on fund raising for the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Please click on my ducky picture to forward it to friends & family, or to create your own. Either way, we’re helping to raise money for a great cause!
