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And she's off…

Molly took her “first” steps this weekend. They’ve been telling me all week at day care that she was walking, but I’d never seen her do it. I think she was holding out on me. Anyway, as far as I’m concerned, she didn’t do it until I saw it!

On Saturday, she was standing in the kitchen doorway at my parents’ house, and most of us were in the kitchen. She just took off walking into the kitchen, we all cheered. She fell, but then got back up and walked a few more steps to get to me. I had tears in my eyes…I was so proud of her. She’s been cruising the furniture for months, and standing unassisted for minutes at a time for at least a month. I knew she had to be close, I guess she was just waiting to show it off at the right moment. My parents were thrilled that they got to see her first steps, too.

So, by her birthday next weekend, she’ll probably be into everything…

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