So Megan had a red dress last fall & winter (see picture below). It wasn’t anything fancy, just cotton with flowers. I had even bought it second hand. I had no idea it would be such a hit, but she absolutely loved it. She wanted to wear it every day. And sleep in it. She was obsessed with the red dress. She was devistated when warm weather came this spring, and she had to stop wearing it. Of course, it was getting too small, so it wasn’t lasting much longer anyway.
Well, when it started getting cooler again, she asked about her red dress. I explained it was too small, and she was ok with that. But she looked a little sad. And so I went searching on eBay. After bidding on several auctions for similar dresses, and losing, I found THE dress in her size. I was so excited. I bid well over what any sane person would spend on a dress for a preschooler, and surprisingly won it for merely $3.24.
When the box arrived, I acted fairly nonchalant about it and let her open it. At first she said “It’s a beautiful red dress.” As she inspected it more closely, the light came on and she got so excited when she realized it was just like the one from last year. Of course, she stripped right there in the living room to change into it (see picture above). I am pretty sure it made her day.
I hope she doesn’t grow out of this one before the novelty wears off. But just in case, I’m already looking for the next size up!
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