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Megan the artist

So, I come out from putting Molly to bed and I see Megan sitting in the chair where I had been sitting to work on a scrapbook page in Molly’s baby album. She has a red marker in hand and is haunched over the page. My gut reaction was to say “Megan, stop!” She hopped out of the chair and ran into the living room, scared at having been caught.

Once I saw that she had drawn on the back of a page I had already completed, I was disappointed, and told her that she needed to draw on her own paper, not my scrapbook pages. And her reply was “But I wanted to draw a picture of Molly.” So we talked about asking first, and only drawing where she’s allowed to draw, etc. But then I let her finish her artwork.

She was so proud of her pictures of Molly. There are three drawings of her. One is just her face. One is her body, complete with hands (long fingers!) and the other is her crawling. I was so impressed with the detail that she put into her pictures.

The last time she really drew much, it was just circles and loops, and that wasn’t really very long ago. All of a sudden, she’s writing letters and drawing people. She is becoming quite the artist.

This one’s going into the scrapbook anyway, just for Molly to see how much her big sister loved her. And tomorrow we’re starting on Megan’s own scrapbook so she can draw without worries of ruining my work! Posted by Picasa

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