How did this happen? Where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday, she was a tiny baby, completely dependent on us for everything. Brand new to us and oh so fragile. Now, she’s a walking, talking, running and jumping kid. Not a baby. Not a toddler. A preschooler, by official terminology.
I am so proud and amazed when I listen to her playing. She mothers her baby dolls. Wraps them in blankets and sings to them and rocks them and nurses them. She has nearly all of her books memorized. She can recite many of them just by looking at the pages. She recognizes all of her letters – both upper and lowercase. She has an amazing memory and an ever-growing vocabulary. She uses words like “actually” and uses them correctly, too!
She can make her baby sister squeal with delight just by walking into the room. She has struggled with the change in our family’s dynamics with the addition of her baby sister. But slowly she’s coming around, seeing that Molly may be a good playmate very soon. She often asks to hold Molly or stops to talk to her when one of us is holding her. I don’t think she realizes it yet, but when Molly is able to crawl after her, she’s probably going to have a permanent shadow!
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